Members will be aware from previous postings that the extended Building Momentum Agreement was sanctioned in the latter part of 2022 and included the following increases to serving personnel and to relevant qualifying pensioners in pre-existing pension schemes: 2 February 2022 increase of 3%. (This, plus the relevant associated arrears was paid in the December […]
Category Archives: Pensions
ARCO has been in contact with Pensions Section of the Department of Defence in relation to the implementation of increases to Defence Forces Pensions and has been provided with the following update. Members will be aware from previous postings that the extended Building Momentum Agreement was sanctioned in the latter part of 2022 and included […]
ARCO has received the following communication from Pensions Section of the Department of Defence: Message about when the benefit of the recently approved Building Momentum* increases will be implemented for military pensions As indicated by the Minister for Defence at the Foreign Affairs and Defence Select committee last Thursday 10 November, work is underway to […]
The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, has secured government approval for proposals to extend the current public service pay agreement, Building Momentum, to the end of 2023. Subject to ratification, the proposals will see a 3% increase in pay for public sector workers, backdated to 2 February 2022, a 2% increase […]
Pensions and pension related issues remain a key focus of the EXCOM’s endeavours. ARCO’s latest Pension Update (May 2022) reflects changes to the October 2021 update. Of particular interest, it includes information on the payment of increases in military pensions, effective from 01 October 2021 and 01 February 2022, arising from the ‘Building Momentum’ Public […]
At the quarterly meeting with Department of Defence officials held on 25 April 2022, and following enquiries from ARCO in relation to the increase in pensions due under Building Momentum – A new public service agreement 2021-2022, we were provided with the following written response: “The existing government pension increase policy is for a limited […]
The November 2021 military pensions have been lodged in personal accounts. However, ARCO has contacted the Payroll Contact Centre of the National Shared Service Office (NSSO) in relation to the delay in the delivery of the associated payroll slips. The Association has been advised by the NSSO that the Military Pension payslips were printed and […]
Pensions and pension related issues remain a key focus of the EXCOM’s endeavours on behalf of the members of ARCO. On 28 September 2021, following a request from the EXCOM in advance of ARCO’s Annual General Meeting, Finance Branch of the Department of Defence provided a comprehensive update on the current position and time-frame for […]
Payment of Military Pensions With data provided by the Department of Defence’s Pensions Administration Section, the National Shared Services Office (NSSO) is responsible for the actual payment of military pensions. Payslips The NSSO has advised ARCO that following the transition to a new banking arrangement, the date now displayed on members’ payslips on the Core […]
Members of the Defence Forces work in sometimes dangerous and potentially hostile environments both at home and overseas. They are aware that serious injuries, attributable to military service, have occurred since the Army Pensions Act of 1923 was enacted and are likely to occur in the future. Defence Forces personnel have legitimate expectations that if […]