Category Archives: Health Insurance

CAOGA Health Insurance Webinar

CAOGA (Cumann Árachais Oifeagach an Gnáth Airm) has circulated its members by email about a Webinar on Health Insurance it is holding on 15th December 2023.  We reprint below this notification for the information of those CAOGA members who might not have received it. Dear CAOGA member With the support of Cornmarket, CAOGA will be […]

VHI COVID-19 Waiver

As part of VHI’s COVID-19 update, VHI customers (i.e. policy holders) were advised in April that a percentage of premiums for a three-month period, effective from 15 May 2020, would be waived.  VHI further advised that their customers were not required to take any action on this matter, as Group Schemes, including the Army Scheme […]

Changing your Health Insurance Provider

ARCOIreland members should be aware of a possible pitfall in changing their Health Insurance Provider. If you are contemplating a switch to a new provider you should ensure, before you finalise any such move, that your new cover will not be affected by a lack of recognition by the new provider of your past cover; […]

Choosing Health Insurance

Over the coming months many of our members’ health insurance will fall due for renewal. The recent dramatic increases in the cost of this insurance, combined with the reduction in pensions and increased taxation, will have prompted many to shop around for a cheaper quote. ARCOIreland has been examining the situation and has found that, […]

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