Category Archives: News

Private Billy Kedian DSM

This morning, Saturday 8th March 2025, Tánaiste and Minister for Defence Simon Harris TD presented the sisters of Private Billy Kedian from Ballyhaunis, County Mayo, with his posthumous Distinguished Service Medal – With Honour, at a very moving and emotional ceremony in Dún Uí Mhaolíosa.  ARCO was represented by our President, Major-General Maureen O’Brien DSM […]

Appointment of new Chief of Staff of Óglaigh na hÉireann

It has been announced that Brigadier-General Rossa Mulcahy, currently Assistant Chief of Staff, is to be the new Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Óglaigh na hÉireann. His appointment comes at a critical time for the Defence Forces and for this country. The Executive Committee of the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers sends congratulations to […]

Request from a student on the Joint Command and Staff Course

Here is a request that will interest our members, and on which many will hold strong views. Commandant Amy Colclough, who hails from a well-known military family, is completing her MA in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies at Maynooth University as part of her Joint Command and Staff Course. Her thesis subject is “Has the […]

ONE and GAA Charity Initiative

Many members of ARCO will have close associations with Óglaigh Náisiúnta Na hÉireann and with the Gaelic Athletic Association. All members will be delighted to hear that ONE has been selected by the GAA as an official charity partner for 2025 in a landmark initiative to raise vital funds and awareness for veteran homelessness and […]

UPDATE – UCD Research – Vitamin D help this winter!

We published information on our website last November on research being undertaken by the UCD Institute of Food and Health on wintertime Vitamin D status among older adults. The original study asked for volunteers, who were 65 years and over, to take part. The Institute has changed the criteria for involvement in the study and […]

Tribunal of Inquiry Defence Forces

In July 2023 the Government approved the establishment of a Tribunal of Inquiry, pursuant to the provisions of the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Acts 1921 to 2004, to examine a range of matters pertaining to the effectiveness of the complaints processes within the Defence Forces. The Tribunal delivered its Opening Statement at a public sitting […]

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