Category Archives: Events

Annual Commemoration Service

The Annual Commemoration Service for deceased members of the Defence Forces will take place for the first time at the National Memorial, Merrion Square at 12 noon on Sunday, 1st November 2015. ARCOIreland Members and their families are invited to attend. The usual garrison ceremonies will be held on Friday, 6th November.

Veterans’ Day 2015

The 2015 Defence Forces Veterans’ Day will take place on Saturday, 12th September in Collins Barracks, Cork. All Defence Forces’ Veterans have been invited. The Minister for Defence, Mr. Simon Coveney T.D., the Chief of Staff and the General Staff will be in attendance. A shuttle bus service will be provided for Veterans, from Cork […]

General Collins’ Commemoration – Cathal Brugha Barracks

The General Officer Commanding 2 Brigade, Brigadier General Michael Beary, has extended an invitation to ARCOIreland members to the Defence Forces’ annual commemoration of our first Commander-in-Chief, General Michael Collins. The commemoration takes place in Cathal Brugha Barracks at twelve noon on Saturday the 22nd of August, the 93rd anniversary of the death of General […]

Final Ceremonial Military Guard at the National Memorial – 2014

This coming Saturday, 23rd August, will see the final Ceremonial Military Guard for this year parade at the site of the National Memorial to Members of the Defence Forces who died in the Service of the State. The Memorial is located in Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 3 Infantry Battalion and 1 Armoured Cavalry Squadron will […]

REMINDER – Ceremonial Military Guard at the National Memorial

A timely reminder to ARCOIreland members, their families and indeed to all followers of this website. The Ceremonial Military Guard will parade on this coming Saturday at the site of the 'National Memorial to Members of the Defence Forces who died in the Service of the State’, Merrion Square, Dublin. The ceremony will begin at […]

Veterans’ Day

ARCOIreland members and their families will be interested to hear about the inaugural Defence Forces Veterans’ Day, which will take place in the Defence Forces' Training Centre (DFTC), Curragh, on Tuesday 2nd September 2014 commencing at 1400 hrs. The date is particularly significant as it marks the 75th anniversary of the declaration of the Emergency […]

Defence Forces’ Race Day at the Curragh Racecourse – 20 July 2014

The Curragh Racecourse will give their race day on Sunday 20th July a strong military theme to promote the close association between the Defence Forces and the racecourse. Defence Forces' Race Day will feature seven races including the Defence Forces' Cup, with the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Conor O'Boyle, presenting the Cup to the […]

Ceremonial Military Guard at the National Memorial 2014

Throughout the coming summer a Ceremonial Military Guard will parade at the site of the 'National Memorial to Members of the Defence Forces who died in the Service of the State’, Merrion Square, Dublin. Ceremonies will take place at Archbishop Ryan Park, Merrion Square, every Saturday from 19 July to 23 August 2014, as detailed […]

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