Category Archives: Events

Military Career Transition to the Civil Service

Register for ARCO’s Panel Discussion “Military Career Transition to the Civil Service” in the Cedar and Cypress Rooms UCD, Belfield, on 26th July, 1830 – 2100, via Eventbrite at: Join us for an enlightening panel discussion on Military Career Transition to the Civil Service, hosted by the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers (ARCO). This […]

100th Anniversary of The Defence Forces School of Music

The Defence Forces School of Music celebrates its one hundredth anniversary this year. As part of the celebrations all three bands of the Defence Forces will perform, separately and together, on Sunday 11th June 2023 at The National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, Dublin D07 XKV4. Entry to the event is free and, in the […]

Cormac Kirwan’s Fundraising Challenge 2023

Cormac Kirwan, CEO of ONE, is taking on the “Hell & Back” challenge, generating funds for professional services in support of homeless and struggling Defence Forces Veterans. ONE supports the needs of Irish veterans by providing accommodation in its four Veterans’ Homes in Dublin, Letterkenny, Athlone and Cobh and the provision of other advice and […]

Attendance at the Consultative Forum on International Security Policy

The Tánaiste, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for Defence, Micheál Martin, recently announced his intention to convene a Consultative Forum on International Security Policy to start a discussion on Ireland’s foreign and security policy.  See: The Forum is designed to build public understanding and generate discussions on Ireland’s foreign, security, and defence policies. […]

100th Anniversary of the establishment of the Signal Corps

  Ceremonies marking the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the Signal Corps take place in the Curragh Camp on Thursday, 22nd June 2023. All those who have served in the Signal Corps/CIS Corps are invited to attend this historic event. A full programme of events has been planned, beginning at 1000hrs. Veterans may bring […]

62nd Annual Niemba Ceremonies 2022

The President, Chairperson, and Board of Directors of the Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel have invited ARCO members to attend the 62nd Annual Mass and Wreath Laying Ceremony to honour our comrades who lost their lives in the service of peace at Niemba, Congo on the 8th November 1960. The ceremony will take place on […]

Ireland’s Defence and Defence Forces – Emerging Challenges and Opportunities

As part of its outreach programme, ARCO will host a panel discussion on emerging security challenges facing the nation and the Defence Forces, on Thursday 22 September 2022, in the Keadeen Hotel, Newbridge, commencing at 1900hrs. Registration is by Eventbrite, attendance is not confined to ARCO membership. In light of the Commission on the […]

Lunch and Briefing for ARCO Eastern Region Members

  ARCO members from the Eastern Region are cordially invited to lunch at the Officers Mess, Cathal Brugha Barracks at 1330 hours on Thursday, 25th August 2022.  The President, Brigadier-General Seamus Ó Giolláin (Retd), will give a short briefing on current issues.  Members who wish to attend should inform George Kerton at or Philip […]

Closure of Ulster Bank and KBC Accounts

ARCO members who hold Ulster Bank and KBC accounts have been notified by these two banks that they are withdrawing their banking activity and associated services. ARCO has received the communication shown below from the National Shared Services Office (NSSO) in relation to this. The NSSO provides HR and payroll administration services for government departments, […]

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