It’s Your Club! The Management of Sports Clubs by Comdt J. J. Killian

Many sports clubs have become large and complex entities with strong membership numbers and significant budgets, yet they are still operated by people who are essentially volunteers. IT’S YOUR CLUB!, based on many years of practical experience of club committees, boards of directors and national councils, addresses many of the situations that cause problems for club officers.

It covers all aspects of the administration that supports the operation of the various functions of the club, explaining aspects of committees and their roles, the roles of the main officers, the importance of governance, the advantages of strategic planning, how leadership and management play different roles and how current legislation, such as child protection, affects the modern voluntary organisation.

IT’S YOUR CLUB! provides the definitive text on the leadership and management of sports clubs and will give club officers the confidence to make decisions vital to their club’s viability.

IT’S YOUR CLUB!: The Management of Sports Clubs, by Comdt J.J. Killian, is published by Oak Tree Press and is available in print and ebook formats from, Amazon and good bookshops.

ARCO member Comdt J.J. Killian, is a businessman and organisational management consultant who has been involved in sport and sports clubs all his life. His on-pitch activities have always been mirrored by an involvement in the administration of the same clubs. This sports administration involvement has been matched by many years of service on Boards of Directors, National Councils, Boards of Voluntary Organisations, and other committees.

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