Independent Review Group – Defence Forces

The Minister for Defence has established the Independent Review Group, comprised of independent external experts, to examine behaviours in the Defence Forces, and to make recommendations on the measures required to underpin a workplace based on dignity and respect.

The Independent Review Group is now accepting submissions from individuals and organisations on issues relevant to its Terms of Reference. These submissions will form an important input to the Group’s final review report which will be submitted to the Minister for Defence in accordance with its terms of reference.  The closing date for submissions is 04 April 2022.

The Independent Review Group has invited all who have a view, an experience, a counter view, insights, or suggestions, who have witnessed or been involved in the exemplifying good or bad behaviours, to make a submission as soon as possible, ideally no later than 1700hrs on 04 April 2022.

For information on the procedure for making confidential submissions, please visit the Independent Review Group’s WEBSITE.

The Independent Review Group will engage further with those making submissions and other parties of interest through interviews, surveys, group consultations and other means to develop a clear picture of what is wrong, right or needs change.

“This is a very significant point in time for the Defence Forces. Your clear and informed input to this process will enable us to make recommendations to make the future culture of the Defence Forces a safe, attractive, and accountable place to work.” – Independent Review Group

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