EU Vacancies – Closing Date 22/24 February 2012

The Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade (DFA&T) is inviting applications for the following positions (DOWNLOAD FULL DETAILS HERE) with the EU Integrated Rule of Law Mission in Iraq (EUJUST LEX Iraq): 

LEX 3 Political Adviser 

LEX 6 Press and Public Information Officer 

LEX 28 Rule of Law Expert – Judiciary 

LEX 41 Rule of Law Expert – Judiciary 

LEX 76 Rule of Law Expert – Judiciary 

LEX 5 Reporting Officer 

LEX 74 Rule of Law Expert – Judicial Team Leader

Applications should be emailed to and should be submitted on the official application form (DOWNLOAD HERE) by 14.00 on Wednesday, 22 February 2012. (The closing date is 24 February 2012 for those who choose to send their applications directly to the EU.) Applications will be subject to pre-selection. DFA&T reserves the right not to submit all or any of the applications and to reject any application which is not on the official application form. 

Serving state and local authority employees will be required to provide confirmation that they have received approval from their employer before applications will be considered.

Applicants who are already in possession of security clearance are requested to submit a copy of their security clearance certificate along with their application.


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