Category Archives: Pensions

Information Needs

Members of ARCOIreland will have information needs, from time to time, in relation to a wide range of areas that come under the responsibility of state and other bodies. These include social welfare benefits, education grants, the administration of a deceased person’s estate, tax and investment issues, marriage and other relationships, consumer rights, pensions, domestic […]

DUBLIN REGIONAL MEETING – Alliance of Retired Public Servants

The Alliance of Retired Public Servants (ARPS), of which ARCOIreland is a member, has held a number of meetings with senior officials of key Government Departments on pension issues. Regional Meetings are being held countrywide by the ARPS Executive Committee to update retired Public Service Pensioners on these issues. The Dublin Regional Meeting will take […]

LATEST UPDATE – Payroll Shared Service Centre

ARCOIreland recently met with Department of Defence (DoD) officials to discuss the introduction of the Payroll Shared Service Centre (PSSC). At this meeting it was announced that the PSSC has been established and will assume responsibility for pension payments from this October. ARCOIreland members will be aware from previous postings that the PSSC, which is a […]


The Executive Committee of the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers has considered the recent statement by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform in relation to the government’s decision to commence the restoration of Public Service Pension Reductions. ARCOIreland congratulates the Alliance of Retired Public Servants in achieving this on behalf of its members. While acknowledging […]

Pension Restoration

Following on from consultations with representatives of The Alliance of Retired Public Servants, of which ARCOIreland is a member, the Government has announced an easing in Public Service Pension Reductions. The changes provide for some restoration of pension income on a phased basis over three years as follows: 1 January 2016 – return of €400 to […]

ARCOIreland Subscriptions

ARCOIreland members who paid their annual subscription by pension deduction in March will see a further deduction of €25 for ARCOIreland in their April pension cheque. This additional deduction was caused by an administrative error on our part and Pensions’ Section will refund it in the May pension cheque. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

GALWAY REGIONAL MEETNG – Alliance of Retired Public Servants

The Alliance of Retired Public Servants (ARPS), of which ARCOIreland is a member, has held a number of meetings with senior officials of key Government Departments on pension issues. Regional Meetings are being held countrywide by the ARPS Executive Committee to update retired Public Service Pensioners on these issues. The Galway Regional Meeting will take […]

CORK REGIONAL MEETING – Alliance of Retired Public Servants

The Alliance of Retired Public Servants (ARPS), of which ARCOIreland is a member, has held a number of meetings with senior officials of key Government Departments on pension issues. Regional Meetings are being held countrywide by the ARPS Executive Committee to update retired Public Service Pensioners on these issues. The Cork Regional Meeting will take […]

ATHLONE REGIONAL MEETING – Alliance of Retired Public Servants

ARCOIreland Members will be aware that the Alliance of Retired Public Servants (ARPS), of which ARCOIreland is a member, has held a number of meetings with senior officials of key Government Departments on pension issues. Regional Meetings are being organised countrywide by the ARPS Executive Committee to update retired Public Service Pensioners on these issues. […]

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