The President and members of the Executive Committee of the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers wish all members of the association and of the Defence Forces, serving both at home and overseas, a very happy Christmas and a contented and peaceful New Year.
Category Archives: News
Relate, the journal on developments in social services, policy and legislation in Ireland, is published by the Citizens Information Board. The July issue provides details of the new Consumer Rights Bill. It outlines current consumer rights and how they may change if this proposed legislation is enacted. If you would like to receive Relate by […]
The following are some dates-for-your-diary. Details of these events will either be posted on this website or will be available locally closer to their dates. National Day of Commemoration Members are encouraged to attend the National Day of Commemoration at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham on Sunday, 12 July. The National Memorial Merrion Square Throughout the coming summer […]
ARCOIreland Members can now avail of the latest RACO phone offer provided they were members of RACO upon retirement or upon promotion to a rank not represented by RACO. The offer works this way: An ARCOIreland member purchases a new phone or upgrades their Vodafone contract in a Vodafone shop or online. When s/he has […]
Welcome to the Website of the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers (ARCOIreland). ARCOIreland was founded in 1993 and our purpose is to represent retired officers of the Permanent Defence Force of Ireland. We have some 800 members. Our main focus has always been on pension issues and our website enables us to provide members with […]
Officer Clubs and Associations. Many clubs and associations exist to continue the camaraderie experienced and enjoyed during service in the Defence Forces. Some of these cater for serving and retired officers of the PDF and RDF and include the Cavalry Club, Artillery Club, and Supply & Transport Club, which have club rules and are run […]
A new online forum has been launched in Ireland, which invites cancer patients to share their stories in order to help others cope with the diagnosis, treatment and recovery process. The Lazarus Community Forum is a unique way for cancer patients to express their thoughts and feelings on their condition. The forum can be found […]
The September 2014 issue of RELATE, the Journal of Developments in Social Services, Policy and Legislation in Ireland, contains everything you need to know about water charges for domestic users. Click HERE to access a copy.
SINCE its establishment in 1930 the Irish Military College has had an important influence on not only the Defence Forces, but arguably on the nation. Its history has not yet been written. Colonel Tom Hodson (Retd) is currently researching, with the intention of publishing, such a history. The story is intriguing. From its early predecessor, […]
The National Museum of Ireland has invited members of the Defence Forces, who served in Collins Barracks, Dublin, to share their experiences of what life was like there and to help contribute to the growing oral history archive of the barracks. On Thursday 28th August, during Heritage Week, join Museum Educator Edith Andrees and share your experiences of life in Collins Barracks and, […]