Good news for members of CAOGA.
Irish Life has agreed to maintain the Benefits and Premiums of the CAOGA Group Life Assurance Plan, put in place in January 2015, for the review period beginning January 2018. This will apply across all membership and age categories.
Additionally, a new age category for those aged between 75 to 84 will be introduced soon for the Plan. This will provide members with a benefit of €9,200 for a premium of €30 per month and spouse/partners with a benefit of €5,500 for a premium of €15 per month. It will apply to members entering this age category in the future but will not be applied retrospectively.
Further details to follow.
UPDATE – 26 January 2018
The new CAOGA Group Life Assurance Plan membership category, for those aged between 75 to 84, has been introduced from 1 January 2018.
As already advised, this will provide members with a benefit of €9,200 for a premium of €30 per month and spouse/partners with a benefit of €5,500 for a premium of €15 per month. It will apply to members entering this age category from the inception date but will not be applied retrospectively.
The intention is to continue to retain members in the scheme when they reach the age of 75, unless they opt out. CAOGA will write to its members outlining the developments in this scheme.