
While pension related matters naturally dominate the submissions made by ARCOIreland, this being the principal focus of its efforts, the Association has also made formal submissions on a wide range of Defence related issues.

ARCOIreland’s Submissions include:


ARCO Submission to the Consultative Forum on International Security Policy

The Consultative Forum on International Security Policy, which held its public sessions at three different locations across four days in June 2023, was designed to start a discussion on Ireland’s foreign and security policy. It aimed to build a deeper level of understanding of the threats faced by the State, including in areas such as cyber, hybrid and the maritime domain, and to examine the security policy options available, and the implications of these choices, for Ireland.

The Independent Chairperson of the Forum is tasked with submitting a report to the Tánaiste. It is expected this report will include an overview of the Consultative Forum and the public submissions received. The Tánaiste will consider the report produced by the Chairperson and will decide whether to bring recommendations to Government.

ARCO has compiled and lodged a comprehensive submission with the Independent Chairperson within the very tight timeframe allowed. The submission may be viewed HERE along with the associated covering letter HERE.


  • Pensions:
    • Pay Negotiations 2020. Submission to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, dated 20 November 2020.
    • MSA. Submissions relating to the Application of the Military Service Allowance (MSA) Increase of 04 July 2019 to Military Pensions in Payment to the Minister of State with Responsibility for Defence on 15 January 2020 and 05 March 2020, the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on 05 March 2020 and the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence on 17 July 2020.
    • Contributory Pension Scheme for Spouses and Children. Following on from representations it made to the Department of Defence during 2018, ARCOIreland put an Information Brief on the scheme in place on its website.
    • To Government Ministers. ARCOIreland made submissions on pension related issues to the Minister of State with Responsibility for Defence and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, on 04 May 2017.
    • Pension Strategy. ARCOIreland developed and published its comprehensive Pension Strategy on 03 May 2017.
    • Public Service Pay Commission. On 03 April 2017, ARCOIreland made a substantial submission to the Public Service Pay Commission.
    • Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012. On 18 February 2012 ARCOIreland made a submission to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, expressing concern at the draft provisions of the Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme) and Remuneration Bill 2011.
  • National Security Strategy. ARCOIreland made a formal submission to the Department of An Taoiseach on 28 December 2019 on the development of a National Security Strategy.
  • Foreign Policy and External Relations. In February 2014 ARCOIreland made a formal submission to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade on that Department’s review of Ireland’s foreign policy and external relations.
  • White Paper on Defence. ARCOIreland made a formal submission on the White Paper on Defence to the Department of Defence on 4 October 2013.


The following provides an outline of the background to ARCOIreland’s Submissions, with links provided to the submissions themselves:

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Pay Negotiations 2020.

The Public Sector Stability Agreement terminates on 31 December 2020.

ARCO noted that preliminary exploratory talks on a new public sector pay agreement had commenced. The purpose of these talks is to establish whether a sufficient basis exists for negotiations on a new agreement which would be “appropriate to current circumstances”. 

Leading to the next range of public sector pay talks, ARCO made a submission to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, dated 20 November, advancing the Association’s concerns, coupled with its recommendations on the following issues:

  • Accreditation,
  • Value and Determination of Pensions,
  • Parity Based Framework, and
  • The Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and other Provisions) Act 2012.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Application of the MSA Increase to Military Pensions in Payment

Arising from the Public Sector Pay Commission, the rate of MSA was increased w.e.f. 04 July 2019. Following several inquiries, ARCOIreland was eventually advised on 10 December 2019 that the MSA increase would only be reflected in the military pensions of personnel retiring on or after 04 July 2019.

ARCOIreland submitted an interim response to this on 16 December 2019 and wrote to the Minister of State with Responsibility for Defence on 15 January 2020 (Link to the letter and Link to the associated Annex) advancing the case that the MSA increase should be applied, as appropriate, to the military pensions of Defence Forces personnel who retired prior to 03 July 2019, and to those of eligible spouses or civil partners.

ARCOIreland strongly contends that a decision not to apply the MSA increase to military pensions already in payment would be inconsistent with the Government’s stated policy to: “Support our veterans for the public service and outstanding contribution they have made to the State”.

Arising from a letter from the Minister’s Private Secretary on 18 February 2020, ARCOIreland responded to the Minister of State with Responsibility for Defence on 05 March 2020. In its response ARCOIreland reiterated its strongly held conviction that the MSA increase must retrospectively apply to all military pensions in payment on 03 July 2019.

ARCOIreland also made a comprehensive submission on the matter to the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on 05 March 2020. ARCOIreland strongly maintains that absolutely no grounds exist for not applying the MSA increase to military pensions which were “in payment” on 03 July 2019.

Following discussions with the newly appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence, Mr Simon Coveney TD, ARCOIreland submitted an additional case on 17 July.

As the Public Service Stability Agreement specifically commits the Government to apply indexation (pay parity) to increases in the pre-existing pensions of public servants for the duration of the Agreement (2018 – 2020),  appropriate military pensions already in payment on 03 July, 2019 should include the MSA increase.

The decision-making process associated with this issue could benefit from appropriate political intervention.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – National Security Strategy

Under the auspices of the National Security Analysis Centre, the Government proposes to develop a National Security Strategy.  A public consultation process took place from 05 December through 31 December 2019.

ARCOIreland made a formal submission to the Department of An Taoiseach on 28 December 2019, which is attached along with the covering letter.

Whereas a wide range of security issues falling under the domain of defence are discussed in ARCOIreland’s submission, the format follows the order of the four questions circulated by the National Security Analysis Centre on 05 December:

  • Principle Threats (Risks) to Ireland’s National Security,
  • National Security Strategic Goals (Objectives),
  • Relevance of Traditional National Security Policies and Approaches, and
  • Required Strategic Capabilities Approaches (Means).

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Contributory Pension Scheme for Spouses and Children

The Contributory Pension Scheme for Spouses and Children is a scheme which provides pensions for the spouse and/or dependent children of an officer, or the dependent marital children of an officer who dies in service, or after qualifying for pension.

There are two Contributory Spouses and Children’s Pension Schemes: The Original Scheme and the Revised Scheme.  Unlike the Original Scheme, the Revised Scheme includes provision for the spouse of an officer who marries after retirement, for the children of an officer who are born from these marriages and for non-marital children. During 1985 an option to join the Revised Scheme, or remain in the Original Scheme, was made available to officers.

Following on from representations it made to the Department of Defence during 2018, ARCOIreland became aware that procedures have been established by that Department, in conjunction with the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, to address cases relating to the eligibility of applicants under the Revised Spouses’ and Children’s Pension Scheme, where the deceased officer was a member of the Original Scheme. Spouses in these circumstances, who have been deemed by the Department of Defence as not qualifying for a pension, may now avail of a new limited appeal process.

ARCOIreland has put an Information Brief on the scheme in place and this provides details of the two schemes in a format that is easy to understand. The brief also contains contact information for those wishing to make enquiries, along with details of the Appeal Mechanism.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – To Government Ministers on Pension Issues

Having made a comprehensive submission to the Public Service Pay Commission on 03 April 2017, and having published its Strategy on Pension Related Issues on this website in May 2017, the EXCOM of ARCOIreland made submissions to the Minister of State with Responsibility for Defence and the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, on 04 May 2017, in which it took the opportunity to advance its position on the following pension related matters:

  • the valuation of public servants’ pensions,
  • the process of pension restoration under FEMPI,
  • the mechanisms associated with pension abatement,
  • the determination of pension increases, and
  • access to an independent third-party mechanism for pension related issues.

 ARCOIreland’s STRATEGY – On Pension Related Issues

In the context of the submission by the Public Service Pay Commission of its report to Government in May 2017, ARCOIreland developed a comprehensive Strategy on pension related issues. The Strategy provides relevant information, outlines ARCOIreland’s position on specific subjects and prescribes the associated implementation process. The objective is to inform ARCOIreland’s membership on evolving pension issues and to provide the EXCOM with material for use in submissions to external stakeholders.

Subjects addressed include: Valuation of Public Service Pensions, Pension Restoration, Pension Abatement, Provision for Pension Increases, and Independent Third-Party Mechanism.

Each section contains relevant information, statistics, and constructive analysis. Within key sections, both the Government’s position and ARCOIreland’s approach to address specific issues are outlined.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Public Service Pay Commission

On 18 October 2016, the Government approved the establishment of an independent Public Service Pay Commission to advise it on public service pay. The Commission was tasked with taking account of the superannuation and other benefits that apply in the public service. This will have major implications for future levels of pay in the Public Service and will impact significantly on how pensions are calculated.

On 03 April 2017, ARCOIreland made a substantial submission to the Commission, advancing its concerns on the mechanism used for calculating the value of public service pensions and conveying the Association’s position on the process of pension restoration under the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Acts 2009 – 2015. ARCOIreland’s submission also addressed the determination of pension increases, existing pension anomalies, and access to an independent third-party mechanism by retired public servants.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Review of Ireland’s Foreign Policy and External Relations

During 2014 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade undertook a review of Ireland’s foreign policy and external relations. The purpose of the review was to provide an updated statement of Ireland’s foreign policy and to identify a series of recommendations for its conduct. This was undertaken with a view to ensuring the Government was equipped with the right mix of policies and instruments to promote our values and interests in a complex and changing international environment.

The Statement of Strategy already in place at the time, covering the years 2011 to 2014, can be viewed at ARCOIreland made a formal written submission on the matter to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – White Paper on Defence

On 16 July 2013, the Department of Defence launched its Green Paper on Defence. The aim of the paper was to stimulate debate on Defence Issues and to focus attention on the policy issues the White Paper should address. The consultative process provided the general public and interested bodies with the opportunity of presenting views.

The Executive Committee decided ARCOIreland would make a formal submission on the White Paper and this was submitted to the Department of Defence on 4 October 2013.

The submission consists of six parts: Introduction, Political Dimension, Defence and Security Environment, Military Dimension, Resource Dimension and Conclusions.

Following an invitation from the Department of Defence, ARCOIreland presented a verbal briefing on its submission during the month of December 2013.

ARCOIreland’s SUBMISSION – Public Service Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012

The stated purpose of this Act is to put in place a new single pension scheme for all new entrants to the public service.  Among the areas of particular concern for ARCOIreland was the abatement of the military pensions of those who take up certain public sector employment. Early retirement for most officers is compulsory and they must seek out a second career if they are to continue to provide for their families. Other areas of concern include the linking of future pension increases to the Consumer Price Index and the proposal to give the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform complete discretion over when to pay any pension increases.

ARCOIreland made a submission to Mr. Brendan Howlin TD, then Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, expressing its concern at the draft provisions of the Bill and pointing to the detrimental effect these would have on the pension entitlements of its members.

In June 2012 Minister Howlin met a delegation, led by ARCOIreland, where it presented its case. In July 2012 ARCOIreland attended the committee stages of the Bill in the Dail.  ARCOIreland’s efforts were successful in having the issue of the Abatement of Pensions clarified, through amendments at the Committee Stage and the accompanying debate. The Bill was enacted in the Dail on 28th July 2012.

The Act imposes a 40-year limit on the total service that can be counted towards pension where a person has been a member of more than one existing public service pension scheme.

The extension of abatement came into effect on 01 November 2012 when the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform signed a commencement order. ARCOIreland was successful in having this section amended so as not to apply retrospectively. It does, however, apply to officers who retired after 01 November 2012 to take up a job in the Public Service.

The provision in the Bill, whereby pension increases may be tied to the Consumer Price Index, remains in place.