ARCO’s 30th Annual General Meeting

The 30th Annual General Meeting of the Association of Retired Commissioned Officers (ARCO) will be held at 1100 hrs, on Friday 11th October 2024, in the Ante-Room of the Officers Mess, Headquarters 2 Brigade, Cathal Brugha Barracks, Rathmines, Dublin 6. Formal notification is being forwarded to members.

Members are encouraged to attend this important event in ARCO’s annual calendar. The AGM presents members with an ideal opportunity of renewing contact with friends and colleagues.

Coffee will be served in the Officers’ Mess from 1030 hrs. Following the adjournment of the AGM, the EXCOM will host a lunch for all attendees in the Officers’ Mess.

Those wishing to register for the AGM, and who intend to attend the lunch, are requested to notify the Secretary in relation to both not later than 26th September 2024. The Secretary’s contact details are contained in the formal notification being forwarded. Apologies from those unable to attend will be read out at the commencement of the AGM.

The distribution of the AGM notification is by means of email to those members with an email account. The notification will be distributed by mail to those members whose email address remains with eircom (some members’ eircom addresses are not in use), and also in the case of members who have not yet supplied ARCO with the details of their email account. Members are encouraged, once again, to do so.

Please advise the Membership Secretary if, for any reason, your email address has changed, or confirm to him that your email address remains with eircom.

Members are reminded of the need to bring their I.D. cards with them to facilitate entry to Cathal Brugha Barracks.




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