Request from a student on the Joint Command and Staff Course

Here is a request that will interest our members, and on which many will hold strong views.

Commandant Amy Colclough, who hails from a well-known military family, is completing her MA in Leadership, Management and Defence Studies at Maynooth University as part of her Joint Command and Staff Course.

Her thesis subject is “Has the closure of Defence Forces barracks and the reduction of the Reserve Defence Forces impacted the Defence Force’s ability to recruit?

Amy’s research for the thesis includes a questionnaire which seeks to identify what influences individuals to join the Defence Forces.

ARCO members can contribute to the research data by completing a questionnaire consisting of 28 multiple-choice questions, which should take less than ten minutes to complete. All information will be anonymous, and the questionnaire closing date is 18 March 2025.

Please follow:

  • THIS LINK to read Amy’s request to ARCO members.
  • THIS LINK to download the questionnaire.

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