The Department of Foreign Affairs is inviting applications for the following seconded positions with the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX Kosovo):
- EK 10057 Deputy Head of Political/Reporting Office
- EK 10058 Political Advisor/Reporting Officer
- EK 10059 Political Advisor/Reporting Officer (North)
- EK 10063 Deputy Head of Human Rights and Legal Office
- EK 10068 Human Rights Officer
- EK 10086 Chief of the Office of the Kosovo Property Claims Commission
- EK 10087 Legal Officer to the Kosovo Property Claims Commission
- EK 10092 Prosecutor
- EK 10093 Legal Officer
- EK 10095 Legal Officer-Legal Cooperation Unit
- EK 10144 Legal Officer to the President of Assembly of EULEX Judges
- EK 10152 Legal Officerat the Special Chamber, Supreme Court
- EK 10153 Legal Officer at Mitrovice/a Court Level
- EK 10154 Legal Officer at Mobile Unit for Basic Court level
- EK 10295 Kosovo Judicial Council Advisor
- EK 10297 Advisor to the Minister of Justice
- EK 10486 Senior Legal Officer (Secretariat, Human Rights Review Panel)
- EK 10487 Legal Officer (Secretariat, Human Rights Review Panel)
- EK 10012 Political Advisor (Belgrade)
- EK 10056 Head of Political/Reporting Office
- EK 10062 Head of Human Rights and Legal Office
- EK 10276 Deputy Head of Strengthening Division
- EK 10288 Advisor to Kosovo Police Inspectorate Department
The job descriptions and requirements for the individual positions are available by clicking here. Applications should be emailed to and should be submitted on the official application form (available by clicking here) by 14.00 on Tuesday, 12 June 2012.
Applicants will be deployed on the basis of an independent contract of limited duration, and will not be entitled to civil service status. Serving State and local authority employees are required to provide confirmation in writing that they have received approval from their employer before applications will be considered.