Pay Talks Update – 28 February 2013

Members of ARCOIreland will be aware that following intensive and protracted negotiations between the ICTU and the Government, conducted under the auspices of the Labour Relations Commission (LRC), proposals were placed before the parties on Monday last, 25 February. These may be viewed by means of the following link;

Paragraph 2.31 of the LRC document specifically relates to the potential implications for existing public service pensions above €32,500 per annum. Paragraph 2.28 states that detailed guidance and circulars on the measures proposed in relation to what it terms ‘higher remuneration’ will be prepared. It has to be assumed that similar guidance in relation to pension adjustments will also be issued.

In the meantime uncertainty and indeed confusion, as reflected in media coverage of the issue, exists on the specific impact these proposals will have on the pensions of our members.  As a result of discussions ARCOIreland has had with the Department of Defence, RACO and other contacts it is clear that the full arrangements for the application to existing pensioners of this agreement have yet to be worked out and this may take some time.

Further updates will be posted as information becomes available.

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