ONE at 70 Years

On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the establishment of Óglaigh Náisiúnta na hÉireann, ARCO salutes the initiative, foresight, and determination of all those Defence Forces Veterans involved in the establishment of ONE on 10 March, 1951.

ONE’s services have made a significant contribution to the well-being, needs and interests of retired personnel of Óglaigh na hÉireann, especially those who are experiencing challenging circumstances.

All members of ARCO heartily congratulate ONE on reaching its Platinum Anniversary.  The Association applauds the valuable work conducted by ONE, acknowledges the mutual support between ONE, IUNVA and ARCO, and looks forward to working with them, towards advancing the aspirations of Defence Forces Veterans, in the short to medium term.

Link to letter from ARCO to ONE dated 10 March 2021

To mark its 70th Anniversary, ONE has launched the I Am A Veteran Campaign.

Through this campaign, ONE is highlighting the talented, highly skilled and diverse group of Veterans, and is showcasing Veterans who are making a difference in Ireland and Overseas.

For more details on ONE’s latest campaign, please avail of the link below to the ONE Website, which includes the first of many videos associated with the project.  ONE is availing of its social media platforms to circulate the videos, which will, in turn, be “retweeted” on ARCO’s platforms.

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